Install CommCare Sync for Production ===================== This page outlines the process you need to follow in order to set up a CommCare Sync instance on a production machine. ## Choose a location for the control While it is possible to run the ansible playbooks from anywhere, it is recommended to run them *on the server you are setting up*. This will ensure consistency and also streamline the install process. These instructions assume a set up where the ansible control and playbooks are run on the server being set up. ## Install Ansible From the [Ansible Installation Guide](, run the following on your control machine. ```bash sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ansible ``` ## Install CommCare Sync ### Set up user accounts On the server, create an account for the ansible user to use. This can be done with the following command, answering the prompts. ```bash sudo adduser ansible ``` ### Clone the repository ```bash git clone ``` ### Prepare your environment #### Initialize Inventory Folder Production environments live in the `inventories/` folder. First create a new inventory folder for your environment (we'll use `myproject` as an example). This is where your project-specific configuration will live. ```bash mkdir -p inventories/myproject cp -r inventories/example/* inventories/myproject ``` #### Update Inventory Files Edit the following files with your project-specific changes: * `inventories/myproject/hosts.yml` * `vars.env`: your environment name * `hosts.local1.ansible_user`: username of your ansible user * `hosts.local1.ansible_host`: hostname/public IP where your ansible user lives * `inventories/myproject/group_vars/commcare_sync/vars.yml` * `public_host`: your commcare-sync hostname * `superset_public_host`: your superset hostname * `superset_enabled`: specifies whether Superset should be installed #### Ansible Vault Production environments should use [Ansible Vault]( to manage secrets. That page has lots of details about editing and using files with Vault. The example environment includes a vault file which you should remove: ```bash rm inventories/myproject/group_vars/commcare_sync/vault.yml ``` #### Initial Vault Setup The following one-time setup is used to generate keys / files for Ansible Vault. _Generate Vault Key_ ```bash openssl rand -base64 2048 > ~/myproject-ansible-vault ``` _Create Vault Vars File_ ```bash ansible-vault create --vault-password-file ~/myproject-ansible-vault ./inventories/myproject/group_vars/commcare_sync/vault.yml ``` Add your secrets here, e.g. ``` # My Project Vault File vault_default_db_password: vault_django_secret_key: vault_mapbox_api_key: vault_django_secret_key: ``` (You can generate a good random key from a command line:) ``` $ python3 -c 'import string import secrets chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits key = "".join(secrets.choice(chars) for x in range(64)) print(key)' ``` You run the following to edit the file later: ```bash ansible-vault edit --vault-password-file ~/myproject-ansible-vault ./inventories/myproject/group_vars/commcare_sync/vault.yml ``` #### SSH access Assuming you are running on AWS, *Copy the AWS private key to `~/myproject.pem` on your local machine.* You may also need to change permissions on it. ```bash chmod 400 ~/myproject.pem ``` Test it's working: ```bash ssh -i ~/myproject.pem ubuntu@my.server.ip ``` #### Set hostname *On the remote server* `sudo hostnamectl set-hostname myproject-server` ### Run the installation scripts ```bash ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml ansible-playbook -i inventories/myproject commcare_sync.yml --vault-password-file ~/myproject-ansible-vault -vv ``` ### Settting up HTTPS HTTPS set up is currently not supported by this tool. To set up SSL, login to your machine and install certbot: ``` sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx ``` Then run: ``` sudo certbot --nginx ``` and follow the prompts. You'll need to repeat this process for each site (e.g. commcare-sync and superset). You may also need to open up port 443 on AWS or your firewall. **After setting up HTTPS you should set `ssl_enabled=yes` and `superset_ssl_enabled=yes` in your `vars.yml` file, otherwise running a full `ansible-playbook` will undo the changes!** You can set `ssl_enabled=yes` and `superset_ssl_enabled=yes` to prevent this from happening after enabling SSL support.